Sunday, July 1, 2012

Lee Doty Lives

And still it does not die!

Doty is back, claiming he made a bunch of money, that he is not a professional, and he is obviously trying to be humorous, and I sit here gritting my teeth, in a bad mood, in trouble because of a cat barely into adulthood. I have standards for my published work, and do not make money on entertaining my audience with lowest common denominator character sketches senselessly slaughtered by drug addicts sans demons under the mind control of magical spiders. Sometimes I fail my standards; sometimes I do a fairly good job and stir controversy. See my New Mobility article in the 2004 archives even if they request that you buy it. I have read at least five fantasy horror texts on kindle that made me puke. They sit in archive, discarded. If you wish, by all means, keep this thread going, suggest that Doty read some of my other reviews, and perhaps he can distill what earns my respect, and what doesn't. or maybe he does not care. It should sadden me, that authors, as a class, fall in such a range that so many should be beneath contempt. I am moving on, staying with talents like Ferguson, who make me think, but this is not to say I don't feel a little pissed off at the man for trying to put me in the wrong for not liking how I wrote what I wrote. His lack of maturity on this matter sickens me, regardless of my disadvantages as a disabled woman. Amazon tolerates much less polished opinions than what I wrote, and since my mettle is up, I am thinking of turning this issue into a column or article. It seems we could all use a lesson about the virtues of reticence. I emailed Mr. Chicago Punk last night, and so far, he seems to lack the balls to tell me exactly what he wants to stop deploying his Plumber Joe victimization.

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