Sunday, July 29, 2012

Raptor Comity

While Japan and China have not fought a war against each other since 1945, they still really do not like each other. --straight American lingo

If the dowager viewed the original 1954 Gojira in her first childhood, making an apologia for the rough edges toward her second, she cannot remember the more sinister black and white, which degraded into camp and not very good modern revisions. The original rarely airs on the syndicated networks which rerun and rerun Polyurethane films into droll ennui, but Godzilla endures in part because of the psychological mechanism, like Jaws, which overwhelms human hubris, human complexity, with atavistic function of super predators designed to kill prey instantly, efficiently, technical prowess be damned. For the empire of Japan, specifically, Honda is placing blame for Japan's attempt to carve out its domain in the South Pacific, but is also indirectly bringing to life the admonition that the attack on Pearl Harbor woke the "sleeping giant" which caused such grievous psychic wounds. Killing Gojira is an abstract method of putting American barbarians in their place, with the franchise a contiguous volleyball game, Western and Asian values in conflict, even as liberal  social standards are mimicked.

The dowager feels Japan's modern passivity is misguided, and they need to start thinking beyond the United States as the victor who forced them into their outwardly docile contentment with the material world, and that the island's adversarial relations with mainland China need to be stoked, cleverly, perhaps in alliance with Vietnam. I admire the discipline of the classical Shogun era, and Japanese culture is better, superior, in fact, to the methods of Confucius.

While it needs to be conceded that the pre-Hiroshima Axis power bit off more than it could chew by drawing the US into a second front in the Pacific, all national aspirants make mistakes, and learn from them. We also need not forget Imperial Japan illustrated that Czarist Russia was no grizzly in 1905, as opposed to the proverbial paper tiger, as remains the case in the Putin era. Not that the Pentagon shouldn't worry. That's it's job, but the right pressure in the right places puts the Russian Federation back into its natural state of a people in chaos, bemoaning their inferiority. Hence, this points toward one's lassitude with Comet TV's cheekiness. It lets us all in on the joke, though it is a judgement as to which of the more stupendous superhero portions of the Rex Monday marathon will be skipped. Godzilla suspended in in space bubble was too much lacking in nutritional value, back when.

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