Saturday, August 4, 2012

Falco Nodule

Despite my ignorance on how the industry works, and the fact that my cable television subscription ended with my career in 1997, and I can only access the good stuff second hand, by word of mouth, I will intuit that Edie Falco is under appreciated, for both obvious and subtle reasons, though her strength as a victims' advocate in Freedomland helped to make this one of my favorite contemporary films about the corrosion of US morality, a film that was not afraid to be honest about black norms, white dysfunction, white mental stability. In the earlier Laws of Gravity, she looks so much like my former best friend, Susie Davison, that I forgot what I was looking at, and wondered if Sue had gone into acting. My heart broke watching Falco's performance, though the film itself seems hindered by its strong verbal dependency. I am going to attempt another viewing in ten minutes or so, but want to warn my readers that at some point I am going to dig deep, and hoist a load on my shoulders, and where we come out on the other end might leave you running for cover. I am sure the homosexuals who checked out my rhetoric assume that I am in denial about the fraying of my orientation, given that my supervisor traumatized me in such a dramatic fashion, leaving me urinating on the scar tissue twelve years later and beyond, but I am too honest, hard hitting for that. Gravity is up, and I want to try to follow it, if only for extrapolation.

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