Monday, July 29, 2013

Steve Israel, Hate Speech, Censoring What We Know

Dear Steve,

Since the Democratic algorithm addresses mass recipients individually, I too will be informal, and use your first name. I would like to address your last email about Congressman King, highlighted in my last post, through using the same strategies of translation deployed by Bill Maher, though my scars, and internalized anger make Maher look positively patrician. I invite you to read my Blogger account and be offended; it would surprise me if you would be able to read it without indignation and look past that; let me not make any assumptions.

I know the porous American border is front and center in this second, and reactionary term of the Obama Administration, and I do not post about immigration because the issue is too complex for me to deal with it as a policy matter, but I have to defend Congressman King's right to offend YOU. To translate what King means in more neutered terminology, he is saying for every successful aspirant under the Dream Act, you have a proportional excess of drug mules trying to evade border control guards. It may have been rude; it may have been stereotypical, but it is not hate speech. He is not inciting violence against children of illegal parents, nor did I read any derogatory division between them and us, only that the Mexican drug cartels are a fact of life.

I understand why Jewish secular liberalism sounds the alarm in every possible instance of distasteful public discourse, given Europe's Anti-Semitic history, but the tea party is not American fascism in action.


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