Saturday, June 18, 2016

An Old Fashioned

I tend to forget, even with my skewered data plan, skewered and entirely my fault, not ATT's, that we're always carrying each other's accounts around, technically always in each other's company, even when we're literally in each other's company, yet it isn't the same as dialing up a friend to chew the cud, which I can barely do with my familiaris these days. To my sister I'm a non entity, and my mother's sister, a generation older than I, steers clear of twitter for the most part (I mainly don't care, they ban me then they ban me, not that this should be an issue with this post) and I can't telephone my father to say happy father's day without it becoming a greenback guilt trip of mutual anxiety over parental and sibling mortality: but daddy may outlive me, and then there are hold outs like Yabberz, the last of the wild west.

I cannot put it to you succinctly why I dislike Yabberz so much. The same sense of egotistical outcast has followed me there, as it got me booted from other online communities, and my usage has taken a precipitous drop; nor am I sure I'm supporting the portal as a sustaining member next cycle, but I can give you one example: a valley girl type who calls herself Jacklyn followed me early in my account creation, and she quotes the Hobbit on her profile page. I grimaced, followed her back, stopped following her within 24 hours, and the bovine skull bitch then blocked me roughly a week ago, as if this was going to make me feel bad, because I cited Charles Krauthammer in response to which laws Obama broke. I never wanted a moronic bubble gum chewer linked to me in the first place, yet she blocked me for answering her fucking question, as opposed to me telling her she was a stupid bitch: it isn't her block which bothers me as much as her own hypocrisy. She claimed she wanted to follow me for "the give and take," and despite my aggravation with her responses to me I tolerated her, and thought that was the point. She could have simply stopped following me, but blocked me for citing a conservative paraplegic. The behavior of simpletons can infuriate.

Liberals are simply out of control on the Horton portal. "So stop using it," and yes, this is what it is coming down to, but having a discussion forum for what I like, once in awhile, shouldn't be such a marathon with tortuous interference.

[I had to rush check a paying MFA generated journal, and don't know where they get the money, but I'll pick that thread up another day.]

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