Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My sister is in therapy

And I am not. My mind, despite itself, refuses to stop working, and I may have to roll back my flight date, as of 8/24, while I'm looking for my sources and services papers; still with information on hardcopy that I need. Many sources have suggested that Thiel's capital injection into Bollea's suit wasn't illegal. As it pertains solely to the jury verdict, perhaps not.
I may be a journalist whose circumstances would have caused 10 ambulatory suicides by now, but my right to claim my place in the fourth estate stands, even if I am going to be destroyed by urban liberalism. However, I understand people fear being pilloried. Look at what I did to Linda Dezenski's reputation, or Erik's, and since the gollem of von Schmetterling's living carcass cannot respond to what I write, yes, I may be taking unfair advantage of a biologically confused female who took a male child as a partner, and can be judged accordingly. But both the Lina and Erik I knew were master prevaricators who hurt many in highly unethical, if not illegal fashion, and I took these platform tools, dispensed with propriety-- and something shook out, though I may be just another blogger, and not really much improved 17 years after so much turbulence-- hence, I am not quite sure that Thiel's ability to buy contiguous litigation is altogether above board. Denton certainly raised the issue of tortuous interference.

I still want a piece of this story, in other words. I think Thiel needs to be taken out before he fucks up something which has more direct repercussions. 

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