Sunday, June 12, 2016

Jack Cassidy's Covert Collaboration

"Get on and get up over your hill,"-- a poignant track to Stargate Universe, never viewed

The poet Laurel Speer and I had a brief correspondence of the old fashioned sort, type written, envelope and stamps, the last missive received, one of her essays, in which she conveyed the writer's worst enemy: the loss of words. I certainly never anticipated the spectre of weariness would begin to threaten the only thing I have keeping me on the ground and alive, my work, as a very minuscule author, if you like, as well as a journalist poet with a string of bylines a mile long.

Who am I to push back against Peter Thiel's power, or be distressed about where my next pitch is coming from, or going to? Assuming that Mateen had an objective to achieve something against homosexual liberation, tactically, yes, it was a strategic mistake, precisely because it was a spectacle, one which will ultimately give sexual permissiveness more power, not less, consuming the  media for an extra period of time, however long it may be. Reactionaries need necessarily be shrewder in the methods they deploy, the exception being with Muslims, regardless of who they are, where they come from. They need to be extracted, deported, from Europe, the US, Canada, and any other civilized society. They need to be fought, and defeated, and only then can the rest of us contemplate mercy. The struggle with evil can be an intellectual contest, reflecting both sides of the coin, but it can also be simplified, and I refuse, regardless, to have any sympathy for individuals who insist on applying a Mosaic mindset to the modern world, even as we continually unravel our boundaries, which if you'd bother to apply yourselves, you'd realize we all need.

I am conflicted, when it comes to the Cassidy family, whether I'm more enthralled by the debonair father or the inauthentic son, with his squeaky clean shag and ineffectual strum on his amps.

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