Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sycophancy in Japanese Homoeroticism

"First comes dealing with the pain and loss,"-- the Josie Byzek I barely knew

If Blogger itself hasn't succeeded in subduing me, (not entirely), the fact that my twitter following slowly and ever so persistently grows might, despite the fact that every once in awhile I need to go off, mindful of the fact I have new eyes watching but I just spent well over two hours formatting and revising, with the alliance in charge perhaps having little to absolutely no idea how badly I need money in my proclivity toward cavies, falling on my knees in my subconscious saying please like me pay me.

It doesn't work like that, and those of us in the business know it. I'm only partially baffled that I broke ranks by getting into The Philadelphia Inquirer metro section in 05 on my second try and cannot, or could not, break ranks into the City Paper daily. It was not personal. I know that. I'd telephone and say how bout this? It was always "no, I don't think so," Patrick Rapa, primarily. I am sad they have been bowed over due to online advertising, but how much of an alternate voice they were remains unclear. A really old turn of the century piece about those suffering gender identity issues, cutting off their testicles in a bathtub, was Gawker type material, but how much did it serve the city's need to know? I had no idea the daily went down nearly nine months back.

Now I'll never get in it, which may be why I do not want to get on Melissa Nguyen Horton's bad side, with this being one of her thumbnail photos. In one of my puzzled moment episodes, she followed me on her little darling of a news community. What was I supposed to do, block the site owner where an unhappy quadriplegic complains? I followed her back, pondering Mario Puzo's sexual fascination with Asian lesbianism, or the snapshot I use of the saintly whore going off in an unholy triage of power cock with executives and madame, and our mainly one sided discussions in email. Melissa doesn't need to assert her Asian (new age?) identity, but she'll collect damaged strays like me, keep an eye on us. Maybe she just followed me on her portal to say "I'm human too, as fallible as you are, Joanne," but the truth is, I do not really have to time to break a sweat and produce professional quality reads on Yabberz, aside from hating Mark Johnson. I urgently need dental surgery, and it might kill me if I don't work on a solution. Medicaid isn't going to pick up a tab which could run in the thousands, and I am not sure where to go. The Temple dental clinic tortured me in my late 20's, private practices cannot help me, and I cannot get into the operating theater. All an abscess has to do is travel to my brain, and then I will not have to wrestle the moral issues any longer. 

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