Sunday, February 19, 2017

Affirmation of Police Brutality in This Evening's Pilot

As a service provider, Niume is certainly entitled to be what it is. My bafflement comes into play wondering why they would have followed this voice of caustic bitumen for so long, and then expect me to play nice in their digital sandbox. If they wish to mitigate isolation and my combative failure with 21 years of exile from a meaningful career, it is a bit late. If I don't like them then leave them alone, common sense would counsel, and I mostly intend to because of one thing: the majority of their posters are boring. I am nearly driven to tears by the poor writing skills I see in so many posts, and rather prefer the dynamic world of IRS agents destroying my father, stripping my sister and I of our estate, or libertarian defiance of the FTC, Homeland Security, and FBI agents shooting Oregon separatists who did not want to go to prison for freeloading. neither Craig Brittain nor Tony Stiles asked for my friendship. I offered it to Tony freely, when he was active on social media, and he shall always have it, if I can ever do anything for him. Craig is different. His tweets entertained me, and Jack Dorsey took that away, and so I am in Craig's corner, regardless of my digital stoop debate with Adam Steinbaugh over the last two days. I do not watch Cozi all that often, but they were clever to revive stoop talk. This was the urban practice of the northeast, circa 59 through 1968, and I paid attention when Cozi interviewed the disgraced Eliot Spitzer on the stoop. This is the one thing native Philadelphians have that you do not understand. John Goodman understands it, ditto Steve Miller twice, and Adam. Philly loiters, and pretty much governs itself, regardless of City Hall, and what belches out of career municipal executives, on the stoop, and Donald Trump brought me closer to his bizarre tirades when he gave that black reporter as good as she got. She started it, and in the post Obama era, why does the Congressional Black Caucus still exist?

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