Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Areas of Divergence

On Milo: I told you so five years ago with Slate's decision to publish Jesse Bering's diffident advocacy for pedophiles. I also told you that Dick Wolf's Law & Order guild writers saw this coming during the peek of Andrew Sullivan's media recognition, but before Milo snatched his alter ego's thunder, and no one listened to me. No conservative editor waded through my anger, acumen, or anything else, to see that I was ahead of this curve, and so, okay, I was ahead, and civilized societies no longer murder their way out of aberrant sexual orientation chemistry, and, outside of Africa and certain other vanishing medieval terrains, the closet is gone, unless Peter Thiel litigates a new cloth out of the old by prohibiting the revelation of sexual orientation. Where does this leave us? 
No where beneficial, but I will say this as a Catholic atheist: Homosexuals cannot be Christians. It is an apostasy. And yes, I believe this. They may be shown mercy, and God is mysterious, but they cannot be followers of Christ if they must live by homoerotic desire. Kristof enjoyed pointing out that biblical text has nothing to say about lesbianism, but this is literalist nonsense. If sodomy is an abomination, under terms of patriarchal dominance in doctrinal law, then two women engaged in coital orgasm through oral stimulation meets the same definition of the term. 
Why does the atheist in me care, particularly if it violates libertarian tenets, at least at first glance? Stability, cohesion, and boundary.
The problem there: the boundary is already shattered, Milo's musing aside. We're headed for very troubled times, very troubled times indeed, and the consequences will be far more significant than a blogging administrator's alarm at what many consider my ridiculous stridency on the issue. Marriage is a sacrament. Same sex activity is hormonal indulgence which contributes nothing to God's grace, but this is where we are headed, Milo's vision a meld to HG Well's secret horror in The Time Machine. Remember? Think about it. I have a previous engagement.

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