Thursday, February 2, 2017

Vaughn at Dawn

A history teacher named Mr. Delvechio, more of an influence on this intellect than he knows, or knew-- he too received a scrawled admonitory epistle prior to my graduation, but as the precocious spastic savant knew he was married, a conservative family man, kept the reverence to a minimum, this fallacy, you know, that scholarship transmutes emotional pain, used to mock Delaware's plaudits as the "first state". We all have to posit revisionist sentiment somewhere, even conservatives who deplored the fact that Lennon's assassination dominated the news cycle for an inordinate length of time in 1980, the last aggrandized liberal tragedy before these individual martyrdoms were to be subsumed by Sunni terrorism. Delvechio's insight was more penetrating than he may have realized. It is a haven for incorporation with a wishy washy sense of empowerment, too often dominated by Jersey summer vacation strollers and importation of the ghetto exodus from Philadelphia, perhaps Newark as well, into Wilmington. Fox News ran with its predawn coverage of Smyrna, seemingly a series of cottages, fences, the skeletal foundation of industrial autocracy, symbolic of more than the fact that the more things change, the more they do not. Digital automation does very little for the rigid structuralism of poverty. This is in part due to the fact that in architecture, foundations need to be secured, and no, I do not have the expertise to know how pylons keep structures in place, but believe secure mobile fluidity would decrease crime and make many of us happier. This so called "rebellion", however, takes us right back to Nixon era paranoia, exploitation. The dowager should feel right at home, as her spine lists, curving, left to right, transforming into a Saul Bellow gas bag, getting a rarer, scarcer, contributor's copy, because I wanted to see if I could created a puzzle overlay to Edna St. Vincent Millay. Turns out I can't, which is neither here nor there, as my internal conduit no longer gives a flying fuck about literary prestige. I am not sure what I care about anymore.

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