Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Longing By Proxy

"he is such a tool!"-- dated slang, isn't it?

To the extent the three commercial networks are still relevant, ABC caters to our high school sensibilities, through shows as divergent as Ugly Betty, American Crime, and How To Get Away With Murder. I can respect Viola Davis even if African American pathology has scored on me once too often. She wears world weariness just like a stocky David Morse with breasts, moral guilt transcribed on their countenances. I only saw the season finale of _Murder_, and to the extent these legal dramas have changed, embodied in The Good Wife, they feed our cynicism, confirming sleaze tactics of the powerful. Davis may be a good actress, and I may even agree with Ebert that she elevated Doubt, as a movie, which was supposed to have more moral ambiguity embedded in it, something theater may do better than celluloid, but I haven't missed anything through lack of interest in her serial. The diarrhea scene in the Norwegian Half Brother was worth a million minutes of US air time, though the kinetic motion of this European serial didn't seize me either. CBS either deliberately or through inability, cannot evade a made for television look, and NBC clings to Dick Wolf.

Taken was a nice pilot, suitable for the Trump era, however brief, or otherwise entrenched the Trump administration may be, but the sneak peak makes it little more than a tactical Criminal Minds, with its work wife hills and dales between the ensemble. Fuck the profile. It is the sniper training that counts, and became instantly anti-climatic thereby.

I am very depressed. If I could, I'd roll away from Riverside Presbyterian tomorrow, with chump change in my checking account, a fecal stained foam cushion under my dry buttock with its rectal hidden pressure sore. I do not believe human compassion, human pity, will help me, but the lance of fury beneath my ribs cannot withstand it much longer. Exactly how do I think I'm going to avoid medical incarceration? Magic? Someone on social media will loan me a garage? I have not acted, yet, with my jabs at HUD (fuck them) and the Philadelphia Human Relations Commission. Tom Earle, their chair, met with me in 01 and did nothing, absolutely nothing, to investigate the trauma Liberty Resources practiced on my ensuing calamity, which their case management team plied with compounded interest through 06. I keep telling myself to wait, put the dossier together, find some legal help. I am not going to make it. What I've had to carry has a time limit; too much to endure.

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