Saturday, September 21, 2013


The SHARE website doesn't convey the sensibility of rolling into a psychiatric facility that polices itself rather poorly. I was sexually harassed in a Darby Share, threatened with assault in a Northeast location, propositioned in a partial hospital, and have seen eruptions of the sort that make the mentally ill easy targets for Kathleen Parker and David Brooks. What goes on in a Share is innocuous until an incident, valid or obscure, disturbs the peace. People masturbate, fondle each other, stare at television listlessly once their entitlement for the month is spent. Sordid and boring, how much of the negative behavior is attributable to reluctance to comply with chemical saturation, finding the dosage combination and the therapeutic treatment that works, I am not the blogger to turn to for that data. Charles Krauthammer is the practitioner turned conservative paraplegic follow the schematic this is the concomitant series of conditions psychiatrist. Does he still treat patients? Unknown. What would he point out to me? That I use quadriplegia affected damage from cerebral palsy not to work at attitude readjustment? That anti-depressants work? That my perspective is impaired from post-traumatic stress?

Was I bipolar when I was an undergraduate? The answer to that question has to be tempered by the fact that my life was regulated from birth until seventeen years of age by institutionalization, and when I met Jerry I was nascent, naive, repressive about my mother, her significantly more severe suffering, her sometimes abusive lovers, and I regret the extent of my emotional investment in his intellectual ability, know it was not his fault, and perhaps not entirely mine either, and as he counseled me on several occasions, pedagogy is not entirely unaware of this aspect in the instructor student dynamic. All this as a given, I have never seen myself as sick, ever, until I had to fend off Debra Horne threatening me when my life imploded in the recession, and this contributes to the sense of stigma that Ed inadvertently linked me to when he connected me to Zach Tollen. The burden is almost one too many to carry, especially when the weight of matriculation is a much different bar for me than it is for a licensed driver who owns a car, or has use of one. 

Can I let an accident of incomplete information go? Yes, but my attempt at selecting a neighbor as an outlet essentially ended, either as a failure of my ability as a writer or a mutually skewered comprehension. The reason it is so much more difficult to shrug off disability center negligence is due to the fact that this negligence never corrects itself, never reforms, and my former supervisor got away with the commission of a serious crime. The impact of this on my life was proportionately detrimental, and I remain cemented in place. How would you maintain a healthy outlook in such circumstances?

I avoided the mention of the naval facility shooting, more or less out of saturation, but I do not see it as either a treatment or gun regulation failure. Navy reservists need to have access to weapons, but soldiers and police are as fallible as anyone. They snap. We cannot control every contingency.

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