Sunday, September 22, 2013

Perihelion Sight

"Nobody understands what's going on." --George Clooney, not yet in the State Department

Syriana was one of the first films I saw on Netflix, and I cannot say my reaction was compatible to our deceased avuncular critic. Headphones do not compensate entirely for tinnitus and wax build up, and the best I could do was think "oil equals one serious game of expendable collateral damage," and then I otherwise felt stupid, and don't like feeling that way. Denzel's upgrade of The Manchurian Candidate, while more canonical towards the 62 version, had that same diaphanous quality, more trouble than it's worth, not taking "aim at the left and the right," as was written of the original, but equating globalization with opportunistic expediency?  Columnists wrote similar sentiments about the finale of Lost, and if this all adds up to a new subgenre, is this species assisting us in hitting the brakes in a responsible fashion?

I cannot get rid of the Democratic Party. Josie is writing state wide emails about being unable to adopt her nephews and urging an expansion of Medicaid for the Allyson Schwartz campaign. I told the campaign ADAPT's favorite lesbian was my enemy. I told the campaign they would not know the lesbian with foster care snorting out of her every orifice was my enemy, wished them luck, and unsubscribed. I told Organizing for America (Action), to "kiss my spastic ass," unsubscribed, and was then forced to opt in the spam filter, because OFA insists on my loyalty. I am not returning to the GOP, although the idea of approaching Senator Toomey's staff has entertained serious mental calculation. My problems run deeper than aligning with any one part of the political spectrum. Progressive expansion and conservative austerity share blame between them, and this for not studying Heidegger in the pragmatic sense, and not in terms of quantum physics. The tools we use solve fucking problems, while the systems we create make lives of intractable complexity.

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