Friday, September 20, 2013

Charm Fractals

"I tried that,"  Vera Farmiga on a woman's time honored prerogative on experimentation.

Up in the Air (2009) signals a number of conflicted messages I am not prepared to discuss in significant detail; it has to seep in, hopefully faster than my ligament contractions, but it rivals my admiration for Aaron Eckart's scathing bite, and my initial viewing makes me regret lack of effort to see it in its initial release. Definitively of its age, I see things in the comedy which point to why The American, a year later, didn't mesh. Clooney's ruthless charm is too decent for psychopathy in actualization. Depersonalization is one or few degrees removed from an assassin nerved by conscience, very similar to lack of accountability without litigation to force the issue. This Teflon mannequin aspect the actor projects at his best may explain his self-appointed status as Sudanese savior, and also why he and Clooney pere mesh uneasily between news media and entertainment. "Why did Europeans do everything?"

My loutish philosophy professor used to toss this trick question out to his class as a kind of false positive, but let me ask, what has the guilt tied to imperialism actually solved? Aren't some of Clooney's more substantial projects a rather bleak answer in kind? 

My follower shambled in from his daily routine the Tuesday evening I chased the Rosenbach's tail feathers. I was in congress with the developmental idiots, reviving McCarthyism. Ed did not say hello, and I simply observed him walk in, take the elevator, knowing his sanguine temperament did not mean to trick spark my social fear based on Project Share field duress. No regret, no pang of remorse. I had my doubts from the moment I sat with him over coffee on the tenth floor, but I also lost my sense of provocation as well.

There is a lot of bull shit artist in me, but spastic flesh moving past the half century mark is actually coming home to roost, and in the degree to which I am pressed for time, murder conspiracies may not matter, made into a kindle single, or seriously considered. Pointless wild justice on the principle of the thing. Does it come down to the amount of indignity we have to tolerate, the number of casualties needed before real movements mitigate the body politic?

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